make a donation

Your support means the world to us!
Donations allow us to continue platforming LGBTQ+ artists through community arts projects.


We’re not able to receive donations just yet!

But we’re working on it…

If you’d like to support us in the future, you can subscribe to our newsletter for updates.


Interested in donating your unused or pre-loved art supplies?
We’d love to hear from you!

You can shoot us an email at or get in touch using the form on this page.

We only accept donations of supplies that are in a usable condition (i.e. nothing dried up, empty, very dirty, unsafe to use, or heavily damaged).

Starting January 2024, you can drop off your donations at our studio in North Melbourne. If you’ve got something you’re keen to donate before then, feel free to get in touch anyway - we’ll try to work something out :-)